Bye bye Brooks

Bye bye Brooks

I am a marketer’s nightmare. I know what I like and what works  for me and I don’t change. This is in regards to my food, clothing brands, cosmetics, and so much more. As I said in my last post, I eat the same breakfast and lunch every. single. day.  I have used Clinique facial cleaners since I was a pre-teen. I have three fav brands of jeans that I adore and haven’t found any other brands that can compete with them. I only wear Nike workout clothes, Polar heart rate watches, and Brooks running shoes….until today. OMG. I have changed brands. I love my Brooks (Adrenaline and Pure Cadence), but I am going though them wayyyy too fast. They are really great shoes, but they only withstand 350-400 miles. Since I wear them when I run (daily) and in all my classes I am hitting that # within 50-60 days. I’ve tried to only wear my Brooks to run and Nikes when teaching, but carrying/changing shoes is a huge hassel. Anyway, I was on a mission to find a new pair of shoes today and spent over an hour trying on shoes, doing tuck jumps, and running on the store’s t-milly (all while dressed in my work clothes).  I am picky about everything my workout shoes and I had specific requirements. I ended up purchasing the Under Armour Shields. I don’t know anyone with them, but they got good reviews on runner forums (yes, of course, I googled them while in the store) and they seemed to meet my high standards. I guess the real test will come tomorrow when I teach in them and try a double-digit run. Does anyone have any personal experience with UA athletic shoes?!

Ummm, yes, all of that was written to basically say that I made a shoe brand change. Pretty pathetic. I will say that while I don’t like to change brands I like to change my daily routine, make up colors, clothing styles, house decor, work outs, etc.  Yeh, weird. I also have no issue with taking on a challenge for a new guiltless dessert or one that shakes up my system and challenges my body.  Ohhhhh more on this in a future post!! 🙂


Just for fun I had to throw in a pic of the first night we got Warrior. We let him walk around the house and he settled on top of my gym pile. I thought it was a sign that we would be best running buddies….wrong.

2 responses »

  1. I also have worn Brooks Adrenalins for a long time now, but I’m beginning to wonder if this is the right shoe for me. As soon as I put them on and start running, my left IT band starts acting up. But I’ve been to 2 different running stores and had them analyze my gait and got 2 completely different answers. So frustrating!

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