Isabelle & Weekly Phone Dump

Isabelle & Weekly Phone Dump

Eeeeeee!!!!! Looooookkkkkk!!!!


Meet Izzy!!! Yes, I ate my words and got a kitten.  The workers at our local non-kill shelter convinced us that a kitten would do better with our dogs than one of their adult cats.  Honestly, getting a pet was the last thing I expected to do on Saturday, but it just kinda happened. Once I saw the little fur-ball I was sold and Philip knew there was no chance in us leaving the shelter without her.

Izzy is 8 weeks old and was in a litter of 5 with a really sad story that I will spare you from hearing/reading. The happy news is that she now has a good home with some crazy brothers. She is fearless around the dogs and pops their noses and tails without hesitation. She is FULL of personality and is going to rule this house.

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We haven’t had a cat toy in our house in years. Warrior ate all of Abby’s toys (jingle balls and fuzzy mice) as a puppy and we never replaced them. She was older and was perfectly happy playing with my ponytail holders. Anyway, this is Izzy’s fav toy….She also loves straws, shoelaces, and Q-tips!


My dad feels sorry for her and is mailing her a goody package! 😉

Ok, are you sick of the cat pics/news?  How about viewing a few of my phone pics from this past week. 


Af and Lac

Yep, the sweet ducks are still living in our pond. They’ve been named and are still chatty and friendly.

Foot pics…..very odd for me…. Here’s a confession regarding my two new pairs of sandals…..I bought both of those 80% off from Zappos in October 2012 and just took them out of their boxes. I do this all the the time—hit up crazy good deals at the end of a season and don’t wear the item until the following season. Yes, I took both of those pics in my classroom and I stood in the green ones all day. Another confession…I had a back-up pair of flats in my purse that day.

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Anddddd I’m back to the Brooks in regards to running/aerobic shoes. For those that care, these are the Brooks Adrenaline’s 13. I broke them in with a tough double-digit run today and they did well. The Cadence 1’s are still my all-time fav and I am so sad that they are no longer being manufactured. I contacted Brooks and demanded requested that the Cadence 3s mimic the Cadence 1s. No, I don’t think I’m that important…I just take my exercise that seriously. Lets just say that I’m low-man on the totem pole and they really don’t care….


Most of you warned me that Under Armor shoes won’t last and you were right. Enormous holes formed on the inside heels and gave me blisters the size of Texas that prevented me from running for a few days. Not cool. What is cool is UA’s warranty/return policy. I mailed them the shoes and they gave me a 100% refund.


I’ve also made some cute cakes/treats/creations this weekend. Thanks, friends!

And here are two pics that were sent to me that created completely opposite emotions….

I was very happy and grateful when Philip sent me this pic of our new washer.


Laundromat visits are a thing of the past…I hope.


I was sad and jealous of this pic of an amazing spin room. A great friend/gym member sent me this pic of his new gym in Dallas. Those bikes are awesome with their digital cadence/resistance/mileage screens.



Have a great last week of school!!!  I’m sure my next post will have some more Izzy pics! Be excited! 😉

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